Beautology Presents


What Is Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive technique that provides a smoother body contour by freezing fat cells. These fat cells are then reabsorbed by the body and flushed out as waste. Cryolipolysis procedure is commonly known as fat freezing and the procedure involves no incisions, no scars, no anaesthesia and no downtime. 

How Cryolipolysis Works

Harnessing the power of low temperatures, this treatment aims to help contour bodies when used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle. 

It works by a high-tech probe being used over the selected area, applying vacuum suction which creates a warm and then a cold sensation as the treatment takes effect.

The fat cells are drawn into the treatment device, frozen and destroyed by the treatment and naturally removed by the body's immune system. It is important to point out that this is not a weight loss treatment, but a fat reducing treatment aimed at the resilient areas of the body.

What To Expect From Cryolipolysis

Cryolipolysis is a fairly relaxing procedure. An aesthetician will gently outline the targeted areas of flesh and a membrane with added cooling gel will be placed with the cup onto your skin. The device contains smart panels that will strategically freeze your fat without disturbing the rest of your cells. 

During the process you will initially feel a suction from the cup on the areas that is being treated. The temperature will gradually reduce to freezing at which time the suction ceases. Once the temperature is correct the freezing commences and the fat cells freeze. 

Once frozen the fat cells are then reabsorbed into the body and processed like any other type of waste to be naturally processed. After treatment is finished, the cups are removed and patients can return to their normal daily activities for the rest of the day.

Who Cryolipolysis Is Suitable For

As a rule, cryolipolysis is a good option for addressing any pockets or bulges of squeezable body fat. Those commonly hated 'problem areas' like belly fat, and love handles are all great areas to be treated by fat freezing. If you are unsure if fat freezing is right for you, book a free consultation today.

Key Benefits

With Cryolipolysis treatment you can achieve results similar to surgery with no downtime.

1. Targets stubborn areas of fat

Once destroyed, the fat cells are gone for good, leaving behind a smooth and flawless body

2. Short procedure times

1 hour per area, you can be back to work immediately. 

3. Non-invasive treatment

No anaesthetic is required and no rest-time is required after treatment, no injections, no surgery, results without any downtime.

4. Minimal potential risks

You may experience some bruising, tight skin or sensitivity in the area.

Pricing of Cryolipolysis

From £255

Single Areas and Package deals available. To view the full price list click the button below.

1 Cup
2 Cups
3 Cups
4 Cups
Get this on MyTime Reduce For Just £150
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Please find answers to the most common questions below.

How many sessions of Cryotherapy are required?

Depending on the type of fat you want to target you can see results after one cup. However, more sessions may be needed to achieve a person's desired results. Additional sessions can't be performed until 6-8 weeks after the first session, allowing dead fat cells to be eliminated from the body.

Who is eligible for Cryolipolysis treatment?

Both men and women are able to have the fat freezing Coolsculpting treatment. Some other eligibility criteria are:

  • Patients with excess fat on their body
  • Patients with Elasticity in their skin
  • Patients who do not suffer from circulatory diseases
  • Not morbidly obese patients
What Areas can I treat with Cryolipolysis?

This treatment is a versatile procedure basically dependent upon the size of the cup applicator with the area of fat to be treated. 

Upper Abdomen (1 or 2 Areas)

  • Hips (2 Areas)
  • Flanks (2 Areas)
  • Inner or Outer Thighs (2 Areas)
  • Back Rolls (2 Areas)
  • Upper Arms (2 Areas)
  • Double Chin (1 Area)
How long does Fat freezing last?

Frozen, dead fat cells are excreted out of the body through the liver within several weeks of treatment, revealing full results of fat loss within three months. Frozen, dead fat cells are excreted out of the body through the liver within several weeks of treatment, revealing full results of fat loss within three months. Some people who do Cryolipolysis opt to treat several parts of the body, usually: thighs. lower back.

How many inches can you lose with fat freezing?

Results vary for each patient. However, there is an average of 20-30% reduction in the treated area. Many patients lose several inches from the treatment area after completion.

Do you lose weight with fat freezing?

It is fat loss. It's not weight loss. Fat Freezing helps sculpt your body in certain areas. You'll find your clothes fit better, look better.

Is this treatment worth it?

​​Cryolipolysis has many benefits over traditional liposuction. It's nonsurgical, noninvasive, and requires no recovery time. And it's effective in reducing fat cells in a given treatment area by up to 20 to 25 percent. Cryolipolysis has many benefits over traditional liposuction. It's nonsurgical, noninvasive, and requires no recovery time. And it's effective in reducing fat cells in a given treatment area by up to 20 to 25 percent. However, Fat Freezing can cause several side effects, and it's not recommended for everyone. Always have a Consultation prior to Treatment.

Is this treatment available on MyTime?

Yes! You can gain access to this treatment on the MyTime Reduce Plus membership. This gives you the benefit of having this treatment monthly for just £150.

Still have questions?

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