Beautology Team
7 minutes

Understanding the Connection: Hormones and Cellulite

In the vast realm of skincare and body health, cellulite remains one of the most discussed, dissected, and oftentimes misunderstood topics. While many factors play a role in the appearance of cellulite — from genetics to diet — hormones have emerged as significant players in this narrative. In this piece, we'll delve deep into the intricate relationship between hormones and cellulite, shedding light on a connection many are unaware of.

Cellulite Uncovered

To fully grasp the hormonal impact, one must first understand what cellulite is. Characterised by its 'orange peel' or 'cottage cheese' texture, cellulite manifests as dimpled, uneven skin, predominantly found on the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen. This appearance is caused by fat deposits pushing through the connective tissue beneath the skin.

Hormonal Impact: Why the Connection Matters

Hormones are your body's chemical messengers, influencing a myriad of physiological processes. When it comes to the skin and underlying tissues, hormones can profoundly affect texture, elasticity, and the accumulation of fat.

1. Oestrogen: The Leading Lady

Arguably the most influential hormone in the context of cellulite, oestrogen plays several roles:

- Fat Storage: Oestrogen is known to promote fat storage, especially around the thighs and buttocks. The more fat in these regions, the greater the potential for cellulite.
- Blood Flow: As women age and experience drops in oestrogen levels, there's a reduced blood flow to the connective tissue under the skin. With less oxygen and fewer nutrients reaching this area, collagen production decreases. Reduced collagen can mean weaker connective tissues, facilitating the fat-pushing action that results in cellulite.
- Lymphatic Drainage: Oestrogen might also impact the fluid balance in cells. Poor lymphatic drainage can exacerbate the look of cellulite.

2. Progesterone: A Secondary Suspect

While oestrogen often steals the spotlight, progesterone — another primary female hormone — also plays its part.

- Fluid Retention: Increased levels of progesterone can lead to fluid retention and bloating. This retention can exacerbate the appearance of cellulite.

- Collagen Breakdown: Just like oestrogen, progesterone can contribute to collagen breakdown, weakening skin structure over time.

3. Insulin: The Energy Regulator

Insulin, though not a sex hormone, has a part to play:

- Fat Storage Promotion: Insulin can promote fat storage when the body is exposed to consistently high sugar levels, potentially aggravating cellulite appearance.

4. Thyroid Hormones: Metabolic Modifiers

These hormones, which regulate metabolism, can influence weight and fat storage:

- Metabolic Rates: If the thyroid isn't functioning correctly and metabolic rates drop, there's potential for weight gain and increased cellulite.

5. Prolactin: The Underdog

Often overlooked, prolactin — predominantly known for its role in lactation — can impact cellulite:

- Fluid Retention: Elevated prolactin levels can lead to increased fluid retention, once again making cellulite more pronounced.

The Ageing Process and Hormonal Shifts

As women progress towards menopause, there's a natural decline in oestrogen. While this has many effects on the body, the skin and underlying tissues' structure and health are particularly impacted. This phase of life often sees a surge in cellulite development or its increased visibility, largely due to these hormonal shifts.

Addressing the Hormonal Connection: What Can Be Done?

Understanding the link between hormones and cellulite offers pathways for potential management:

- Hormone Therapy: While not exclusively for cellulite, some women opt for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) during menopause. By addressing the drop in oestrogen, some of the skin-related impacts of menopause may be alleviated. However, the decision to pursue HRT should be discussed with a healthcare professional, considering all potential risks and benefits.

- Dietary Changes: A balanced diet, low in sugars and high in antioxidants, can help regulate insulin levels and reduce oxidative stress, supporting healthier skin.

- Topical Treatments: Some creams and ointments target collagen production and blood flow, addressing some of the skin changes caused by hormonal fluctuations.


The relationship between hormones and cellulite is intricate, multifaceted, and undeniably significant. Recognising this connection empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their health and skincare. While hormones are just one piece of the cellulite puzzle, understanding their role is pivotal in the journey to improved skin health.

Remember, cellulite is a natural part of many people's lives, and while it's okay to seek management or treatment, it's equally valid to embrace it as a facet of human skin's diverse landscape.