The team at the Beautology Clinic at Westbury Park in Bristol are experts in Jowl Reduction treatment.
As we age, our skin loses elasticity and collagen which affects our outer appearance, loosening the skin around the lower chin and neck are a resulting in jowls. If we also add a few pounds this can show itself through the appearance of jowls.
Jowls are more prevalent in some people than others with our genes playing a large part. You can resort to surgery with face-lifts and liposuction, however, there are some excellent effective non-surgical technologies available at present which can make a big difference (eg. Radio frequency, micro-current, roller-vacuum).
So if you don't fancy turning to the knife just yet, pop in for a FREE consultation with one of our experts and get all your questions answered. A specialist will take you through possible treatments and design an individual treatment plan to suit your unique needs.
Understanding the causes of these pigmentation concerns can help you take proactive steps in maintaining healthier and clearer skin.
"Good assortment of treatments to answer all kind of beauty needs including effective anti-ageing technology. Great atmosphere, a pampering experience indeed!"
The changes occur within 3 layers:
1) Epidermis- Upper skin layer
2) Dermis- Lower skin Layer
3) Muscle
1. Spots, whiteheads, blackheads, pustules and cysts
2. Acne scarring: pits and poor texture
3. Pigmentation
4. Dull, lifeless skin and loss of luminosity
We're here to answer all your questions or queries,
One of our helpful staff will happily respond today to book a FREE consultation